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All work created and ©copyrighted by Jude Hansen. All rights reserved.

"Self Portrait"
1991 48"x48" oil

At the time, this picture represented my anger and disappointment with my painting ability. The images on the easel are prior paintings including one that had a sign in it that read "Keep Clean". I swapped the letters "a" and "e" to remove any meaning that the word "lean" (which is the only part of the sign that showed) might induce. Of course, by doing this I inadvertantly drew attention to it and not away from it. Looking back, I think I should have left it as "lean" so that people could have drawn their own conclusions. This piece nearly made it into the Crocker/Kingsley but a judge told me, "I just don't see the artist here."
"Panda Onna String"
1991 36"x48" oil

This painting was quickly (and pathetically) named when it was placed in the Auburn Arts 40 (1991). The concept of "the golden mean" (wherein all the focal points of a painting are placed on a mathematical spiral) was used to construct the composition. I also used the Faber Barron concept of color compliments here to see if it would work. The idea is that by using a slightly different set of base colors, one could create color compliments that exude light or give the effect thereof. The name came from the clip-on panda that is hanging from the light string in the closet.
"The Lynching"
1990 18"x38" guache

Although the renderings in this painting are somewhat remedial the image as a whole is rich. It was suggested to me that I should reproduce this image on a large scale so that the size would reflect its substance. This scene and its subject matter has no real meaning to me though. It is not a reflection nor an emotion. I was a piece that I had painted on the back of matte board as an exercise with double-compliments. This piece had made it into a show although I can't remember which one.